Something New!



We are glad you are here! Hopefully you will find this space to be informative. A place where you can find out about what’s going on in the classroom (please see the school webpage for general school information). This will also be a place to peek into our classroom and see what we are learning about!

Student’s names will never appear on this blog; however student work may occasionally be posted. Each student in the class will be given a number to identify their work. You will be given your child’s number so that when you see work appear on this blog with that number you know that it is your child’s learning.

We will try to keep this blog updated on a regular basis, but as always if there is a need to contact either of us please call the school, write a note in the planner, send an e-mail or stop by the classroom to talk. We are looking forward to 2015! Let’s get started.

Mrs. M & Mrs. N

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