How Thinking Changes


photo 23

On Thursday we got to see ALL of the “evidence” that was in the envelopes. Each group presented the evidence that they had and it was exciting to see what other people had in the envelopes! As we saw the objects we hung them on a timeline on the board to try and piece together Tim & Grandma’s day.

Many times as an object was presented someone from another group had an “Ah Ha!” moment because they now understood how their evidence fit into the big picture! For example one group had a thimble in their envelope as evidence. From this we could infer that someone was sewing. As more evidence was shown to the group our thinking changed! Another group had dice in their envelope and another group had monopoly money in theirs. Suddenly our clues all fit together because some of us knew that a thimble was a game piece in monopoly. Our thinking changed from the idea of someone sewing to someone (we still don’t know who) playing monopoly! From this activity we learned that when we infer sometimes our thinking can change as new information is presented.

Some of our evidence gave an exact time (they went sledding at 2:00), some of it gave us an idea of when an activity took place (they baked cookies sometime in the morning), and some of it we will have to do our best to infer. For example we know that someone played monopoly, someone crocheted, and someone painted, but we don’t know who did these things or the exact time they did them.

Here are a few pictures of our activity.

photo 38 photo 58 photo 37 photo 36 photo 24

We are looking forward to writing short stories or journal entries about Tim and Grandma’s day based on what we learned. It will be interesting to see how each of us uses the clues to infer about Tim and Grandma’s day.

Mrs. N

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